Some of the benefits of CBCSI accrue to the whole community, even those who don’t pay. You may therefore ask, “Why should I bother to pay”? We hope we’ve made a good case for the essential value of CBCSI, the moral imperative to contribute, the principle of fairness and the support of your community, but here are some of the direct benefits:

  • With additional contributions, CBCSI can improve its services and capability. We believe these projects will enhance your lifestyle, your family’s safety, and the value of your property.
  • A CBCSI sign for the entrance of your home, identifying you as a CBCSI member. While non-members will not be denied help in an emergency, this will help our operators (and your neighbours) identify who contributes.
  • Access to our Member Channel on Telegram Messenger, the mobile app for immediate information about security, crime and related matters on your smartphone.
  • Immediate emergency access to WatchCon and TAC1 by radio, although you will need to purchase the radio.
  • Immediate emergency access to WatchCon and TAC1 through the Buzzer App.